Java / Design Patterns
Explain builder pattern in Java.
Builder pattern combines the safety of the telescoping constructor pattern with the readability of the JavaBeans pattern.
To create the desired object, the client first calls a constructor (or static factory) with all of the required parameters and gets a builder object. Then the client calls setter-like methods on the builder object to set each optional parameter of interest. Finally, the client calls a parameter-less build method to generate the object, which is immutable.
The builder is a static member class of the class it builds.
public class BuilderPatternEx { static class Person { private String fName; private String lName; private short age; private String employerName; public static class PersonBuilder { private String fName; private String lName; private short age; private String employerName; public PersonBuilder(String fName, String lName) { this.fName = fName; this.lName = lName; } public PersonBuilder age(short age) { this.age = age; return this; } // The builder's setter methods return the builder itself so that // invocations can be chained. public PersonBuilder employerName(String employerName) { this.employerName = employerName; return this; } public Person build() { return new Person(this); } } Person(PersonBuilder p) { this.fName = p.fName; this.lName = p.lName; this.age = p.age; this.employerName = p.employerName; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder("Peron details: "); temp.append(this.fName).append(" ").append(this.lName).append(" of age ").append(this.age); return temp.toString(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Person p = new Person.PersonBuilder("John", "Jacob").age((short) 45).employerName("Apple").build(); System.out.println(p); } }
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