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Scala / Scala programs

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1. Implement Selection sort program using Scala.
object SelectionSort {
  def main (args: Array[String]) {
    val myArray = Array(14,2,5,1,2,6)
    for (  i <- 0 to myArray.length-2)
      var min =myArray(i)
      var pos = i
      for ( j <- i to myArray.length-1) 
         if (min> myArray(j)) 
           { min = myArray(j)
             pos = j
      if (myArray(i) != min) {
        val temp =myArray(pos)
        myArray(pos) =myArray(i)
        myArray(i) = temp
    println(myArray deep)
2. Implement bubble sort using Scala.
object BubbleSort {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val myArray = Array(18, 2, 5, 1, 63, 17)
    var unsorted_last_index = myArray.length - 2;

    while (unsorted_last_index > 0) {
      for (j <- 0 to unsorted_last_index)
        if (myArray(j) > myArray(j + 1)) {
          val temp = myArray(j)
          myArray(j) = myArray(j + 1)
          myArray(j + 1) = temp
      unsorted_last_index = unsorted_last_index - 1;

    println(myArray deep)
3. I have a string(avbfjsjebfswncnsjfsfna) and I don't want repeated alphabets by using pure Scala programming.

The Scala program follows. Kindly share your comment/suggestion for improvement and feedback. Thanks.

import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet

object StringUtil {
 * The below program creates a new string object without duplicates from the original string.
 * please note that this programs consider character case (case sensitive)  
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    var myString:String = "avbfjsjebfswncnsjfsfnaA";
    println ("The original String= " + myString);
    var charCount: HashSet[Char] = HashSet.empty[Char] 
    var myoutputString:String = "";

    for (c <-myString) {
      if (!charCount.contains(c))
        {charCount +=c
          myoutputString +=c
    println ("The output String without duplicates= "+ myoutputString);

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